Category Archives: ENGLISH

See the queue

He was not found.  Ravi was tempted. He knows the pot was empty. His fever was cured..A boy was cycling

Kong’s servent said, “my master is not well”  karim said, “fatima is not well”    oldman said, ‘always be like this”.

Husband looks fat.   The guard looked his watch.

My master has gold… His fever was cured…fatima has stomach pain…..All the city came to know about his magic water.

People gave their blessings and go….

What will you get by helping poor

I felt like home…. I felt like having these meals at home….Always Be kind like this.


Grandma STORIES:One afternoon #in summer, an old pan came and asked #for water. Ravi, the shopkeeper, only had one tumbler of water in the jug. Yet, he gave the water to oldman. “My son, always be kind like this”, old man said. Now he got thirsty, he knows the pot was empty. To find one or two drops he lifted the jug over his head. To his surprise, plenty of water poured down. The water was so sweet and refreshing. Karim #his uncle had severe cough and thirst. He asked Ravi,” could i drink some water? ” Ravi told that water pot was emptied by old man. Karim told, “what are you saying, there is plenty of water in the jug.” Water seems to be magically appearing in that jug, which the old man used.HealingWATER:Karim drank it, #his fever was cured. Karim brought Fathima to Ravi’s shop. Karim said, “Fathima has stomach pain and your water can cure her.” He passed the jug to Fatima. She drank a bit. Stomach pain disappeared. Soon whole city came to know about #his magic water. Ravi realized the old man he had helped must be GOD. He thanked #him daily.King’s RICHES:His store turned into hospital. Ravi gave the water for free. People give their blessings and go. One day, the King’s servent came and said, ” My master is unwell, come with me!”. Ravi replied, ” see the queue, please wait!” Servant said, “what will you get by helping poor? My master has gold and diamonds” Ravi was tempted. Ravi told people, “come back tomorrow” Ravi started to change.Realization:He rushed to the palace.Queen had mosquito bites. He took the jug to pour water, but nothing came. ‘You cheat’ the king said. “Dont fool me, you are banished.” He returned to his village. No one at shop. He searched for old man. He was not found. Ravi used all the money to bring a real doctor.

I went #for morning walk #at 6am. Breeze was flowing, warm rays coming #from the sun. I enjoyed the stroll. On one such day. I saw a board “shyamKAMAL”, stands for shyamala roa and kamala.In my college days, i lived #in a village. Rented a house #from old couple. ShyamaRAO and #his wife kamala bai. For my college fees, ShyamaROA would lend me money from #his pension. Kamala bai would share #her meals with me. I felt like, i was having these meals #with my mother. Such selfless people.I was treated as a son not as tenant. They were not well off, but they helped much. I learned a lesson from them. Doing things with affection, not just duty will change lives. I want to give my gratitude. Not through words so i made a memorial of themOne afternoon #in summer, an old pan came and asked #for water. Ravi, the shopkeeper, only had one tumbler of water in the jug. Yet, he gave the water to oldman. “My son, always be kind like this”, old man said. Now he got thirsty, he knows the pot was empty. To find one or two drops he lifted the jug over his head. To his surprise, plenty of water poured down. The water was so sweet and refreshing. Karim #his uncle had severe cough and thirst. He asked Ravi,” could i drink some water? ” Ravi told that water pot was emptied by old man. Karim told, “what are you saying, there is plenty of water in the jug.” Water seems to be magically appearing in that jug, which the old man used.HealingWATER:Karim drank it, #his fever was cured. Karim brought Fathima to Ravi’s shop. Karim said, “Fathima has stomach pain and your water can cure her.” He passed the jug to Fatima. She drank a bit. Stomach pain disappeared. Soon whole city came to know about #his magic water. Ravi realized the old man he had helped must be GOD. He thanked #him daily.King’s RICHES:His store turned into hospital. Ravi gave the water for free. People give their blessings and go. One day, the King’s servent came and said, ” My master is unwell, come with me!”. Ravi replied, ” see the queue, please wait!” Servant said, “what will you get by helping poor? My master has gold and diamonds” Ravi was tempted. Ravi told people, “come back tomorrow” Ravi started to change.

I was the first #to reach the compartment. Next a family of three came. Husband looks fat, wife was tall. They had two children. He put the lugguage #over the top. Suitcase went #under the seat.Snacks bag was kept #by my side. We all settled down. One girl #with glasses occupied the 6th seat.she kept her bag #at the corner.children wanted the window seat #for fresh air.Two types of people #on trains. Silent ones who dont speak ₹at all. Smiling ones who smiles and make room #for you. They share their food #but be careful. They might want you #to exchange their upper berth #to your lower one. Trains have hooks #for snacks bag and holders #for water bottles.Electrical plugs #also there #to charge your mobile and seats that fold into sleeping berth.The train leaves #at 11am. I kept my luggage #on the seat.Phone #in the pocket was ringing. No power #in the train. Handbag hanged #on the wall.Lunch order came #on time. No salt #in the lunch. Salt packet was selling #on platform.I bought the salt #at the station. #In 2 minutes the train moved. We entered #in the train.crowd #at our compartment. We sat #on the seat.A boy was cycling #on the hill. A cat was #playing #in the garden.Horse running #on the road.Flowers dancing #in the wind. Train stopped #at next station.A small dog entered #in the train, sat #on my lap. The dog is good #at barking.It started barking #at the stranger. It sat #at the corner. A girl was waiting #at the bus stop.

Function :The temple was decorated with ribbons and flowers. Natheswaram was playing, bands were playing drums. Coconuts were broken, lamps were lit, aartis and abhishegams gave a colorful look. Vip’s of the town were there. The Minister, Sub inspector and tahsildar came. Gifts were distributed, prasadam was shared to all.🍉Train station:The Navjeevan express is ready to move. Trolleys and suitcases are everywhere. Fruit sellers and tea sellers shouting loud. Latecomers are rushing and pushing.Engine noise was loud. The first bell rang, the guard looked his watch. Ram arrived at the platform, in one arm lugguage and in other arm a water bottle. He jumped through the window and landed in 2nd class compartment.🍉The journey:Train journeys are unique. Journey starts from chennai to ahmedabad. It is a beautiful evening. Compartment was cozy. Climate was cool. I got the window seat. Co- passenger exchanged snacks. Green rice fields passing by. Stopped at vijayawada. Trains stops for 5mins.Orange juice tastes fresh.Rushed back to train. Night sky and cool breezes put everyone to sleep.🍉Train compartment:I was the first #to reach the compartment. Next a family of three came. Husband looks fat, wife was tall. They had two children. He put the lugguage #over the top. Suitcase went #under the seat.Snacks bag was kept #by my side. We all settled down. One girl #with glasses occupied the 6th seat.she kept her bag #at the corner.children wanted the window seat #for fresh air.


He says things quitely

I said to you

I see everything

He saw you

She seems ill.

You seem mad

I  sell chemicals

You sold it yesterday

I will send you

Send tom in

I sent the mail

I will sign it

It is a good sign

He sings loudly

I can sing

I sang a song

I will sit here

He sat down

You shall come

You should come

I should go

I showed him

I will show you

He sleeps often

I slept well

Ram speaks softly

I will speak loud

Manager spoke to all

Svo svc pattern

I learned a lot

I can learn

I will leave you

He left us

Leave it.

Rahul likes ice cream

I like very much.

He listens to music

You listen to me

I live to gove

Live in the present

I live with him.

He looks ugly

I look good

You will loose

He lost the match

I can make it

He made the cake

You may come

I may go

I moved to chennai 

She moves fast

I need to take control

I need a pen

She needs a pen

He opens the gate

Shop is open

You open the shop

She organized the function

I will  organize transport

I am finding it

I found the bottle

Find the answer

Follow the rules

I followed him.

Forget the past.

You keep forgetting.

I forgot to bring.

Get me the pen.

She got the pen.

I get nothing.

It gives pleasure.

I gave to you.

I give up.

She is gone.

She will go.

She went crazy.

I have a pen.

She has enough

Jim heard a noise

I hear you

His hearing is low

I helped him

I need help

She helps them

He holds a degree

Hold on the bus

I am holding umbrella

She hurts me

It hurts you

I keep telling you

I keep my promise

Dhoni  is keeping good

I know him

She knows it

BASIC English verbs

I got cut in the finger.

Dont cut the apple.

Dance to the tunes.

I like to dance.

Decide after thinking.

I will decide the future.

I like to draw scenery.

Draw your swords.

Eat up fast.

I ate the breakfast.

Explain the difference.

I need you to explain this.

I fell down

Apples fall from the tree.

Feel the breeze

I feel the same.

Fill the jar

Fill in the blanks.

I only found it.

Find the answers.

I am finding it.

Finished my homework.

I finished it first.

I am Fit for it.

Fitness comes from EXERCISE.

This can fly.

Fly above the clouds.

Stop following me.

I will follow you.

I accept your decision.

Accept the fact.

Meena agreed to come

Do you agree?

no one is allowed.

Allow no one.

I wont allow it.

I need answers.

Answer me properly.

Ask him/her.

Dont ask me.

Be in the present

I want to be president.

Believe in yourself

I believe in you.

Dont borrow from others

Dont break it

I am broke.

I will bring it.

Bring your own umbrella.

I Need money to buy.

I want to buy the car

Cancel the order.

Event got cancelled.

Change is for good

I want to change myself.

Carry in the bag.

Luggage will be carried.

Shut the door.

Clean the windows.

I like clean places.

I need a comb

Comb yourself.

I complained to the teacher.

Dont complain again.