I went #for morning walk #at 6am. Breeze was flowing, warm rays coming #from the sun. I enjoyed the stroll. On one such day. I saw a board “shyamKAMAL”, stands for shyamala roa and kamala.In my college days, i lived #in a village. Rented a house #from old couple. ShyamaRAO and #his wife kamala bai. For my college fees, ShyamaROA would lend me money from #his pension. Kamala bai would share #her meals with me. I felt like, i was having these meals #with my mother. Such selfless people.I was treated as a son not as tenant. They were not well off, but they helped much. I learned a lesson from them. Doing things with affection, not just duty will change lives. I want to give my gratitude. Not through words so i made a memorial of themOne afternoon #in summer, an old pan came and asked #for water. Ravi, the shopkeeper, only had one tumbler of water in the jug. Yet, he gave the water to oldman. “My son, always be kind like this”, old man said. Now he got thirsty, he knows the pot was empty. To find one or two drops he lifted the jug over his head. To his surprise, plenty of water poured down. The water was so sweet and refreshing. Karim #his uncle had severe cough and thirst. He asked Ravi,” could i drink some water? ” Ravi told that water pot was emptied by old man. Karim told, “what are you saying, there is plenty of water in the jug.” Water seems to be magically appearing in that jug, which the old man used.HealingWATER:Karim drank it, #his fever was cured. Karim brought Fathima to Ravi’s shop. Karim said, “Fathima has stomach pain and your water can cure her.” He passed the jug to Fatima. She drank a bit. Stomach pain disappeared. Soon whole city came to know about #his magic water. Ravi realized the old man he had helped must be GOD. He thanked #him daily.King’s RICHES:His store turned into hospital. Ravi gave the water for free. People give their blessings and go. One day, the King’s servent came and said, ” My master is unwell, come with me!”. Ravi replied, ” see the queue, please wait!” Servant said, “what will you get by helping poor? My master has gold and diamonds” Ravi was tempted. Ravi told people, “come back tomorrow” Ravi started to change.

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