I was the first #to reach the compartment. Next a family of three came. Husband looks fat, wife was tall. They had two children. He put the lugguage #over the top. Suitcase went #under the seat.Snacks bag was kept #by my side. We all settled down. One girl #with glasses occupied the 6th seat.she kept her bag #at the corner.children wanted the window seat #for fresh air.Two types of people #on trains. Silent ones who dont speak ₹at all. Smiling ones who smiles and make room #for you. They share their food #but be careful. They might want you #to exchange their upper berth #to your lower one. Trains have hooks #for snacks bag and holders #for water bottles.Electrical plugs #also there #to charge your mobile and seats that fold into sleeping berth.The train leaves #at 11am. I kept my luggage #on the seat.Phone #in the pocket was ringing. No power #in the train. Handbag hanged #on the wall.Lunch order came #on time. No salt #in the lunch. Salt packet was selling #on platform.I bought the salt #at the station. #In 2 minutes the train moved. We entered #in the train.crowd #at our compartment. We sat #on the seat.A boy was cycling #on the hill. A cat was #playing #in the garden.Horse running #on the road.Flowers dancing #in the wind. Train stopped #at next station.A small dog entered #in the train, sat #on my lap. The dog is good #at barking.It started barking #at the stranger. It sat #at the corner. A girl was waiting #at the bus stop.

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